SDE -1 (Frontend engineer) Interview Experience.(
Questions asked in the interview from JS | ReactJS | DS+ALGO
Hey guys , Today we are going to discuss some of the interview questions that had recently asked in a frontend engineer interview for SDE 1 .
So lets start
Shortlisted on the basis of resume and zunroof recruiter contacted via mail for scheduling interview.
It takes approx 1 week for both the rounds
Round 1 :
This round was completely based on Basics of JS and most common conceptual over JS.
The list is mentioned below
1.Why and what is JS ?
2.Different types of function calling
3.Arrow functions
4 Call,apply,bind
5.Complete Event loop working (Asynchronous handling in JS)
6.Closures (explain and create it,including merits and demerits)
9 General output questions in JS and some more questions related to JS
Important : Be ready to code while explaining for all concepts.
Round 2
Starting from the introduction .
2 Questions from Arrays
a) Question 1 here :)
This question should be answered with best way
Both the questions were to be coded as well and the interviewer was good giving time to think as well.
After that, Some resume based questions , projects mentioned in the resume
ReactJS based questions(As i had mentioned react on my resume)
React life-cycle Props and States A simple task in it (take input and show changes while inputting ) Hooks Working of states Class based and functional based components. and some more....
Both the rounds were of approx 1 hr.
Before interview, prepare those techs you have mentioned in the resume
Hope you got some idea about what Interviewer asking now a days regarding frontend.
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