SDE -1 (Frontend engineer) Interview

SDE -1 (Frontend engineer) Interview Experience.(

Questions asked in the interview from JS | ReactJS | DS+ALGO


3 min read

Hey guys , Today we are going to discuss some of the interview questions that had recently asked in a frontend engineer interview for SDE 1 .

So lets start

Shortlisted on the basis of resume and zunroof recruiter contacted via mail for scheduling interview.

It takes approx 1 week for both the rounds

Round 1 :

This round was completely based on Basics of JS and most common conceptual over JS.

The list is mentioned below

1.Why and what is JS ?

2.Different types of function calling

3.Arrow functions

4 Call,apply,bind

5.Complete Event loop working (Asynchronous handling in JS)

6.Closures (explain and create it,including merits and demerits)



9 General output questions in JS and some more questions related to JS

Important : Be ready to code while explaining for all concepts.

Round 2

Starting from the introduction .

2 Questions from Arrays

a) Question 1 here :)
This question should be answered with best way

b) Question 2 here :)

Both the questions were to be coded as well and the interviewer was good giving time to think as well.

After that, Some resume based questions , projects mentioned in the resume

ReactJS based questions(As i had mentioned react on my resume)

React life-cycle Props and States A simple task in it (take input and show changes while inputting ) Hooks Working of states Class based and functional based components. and some more....

Both the rounds were of approx 1 hr.

Before interview, prepare those techs you have mentioned in the resume

Hope you got some idea about what Interviewer asking now a days regarding frontend.

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